Thursday, November 22, 2012

Configuring an NTP server without internet access (locally)

Is the first time I had to figure out how to configure an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server without internet access... most of the time you just configure your /etc/ntp.conf file to point to a public NTP server and your internal servers to point to this one acting as your server and you are done. Nothing interesting there... 

First make sure you have ntp package installed in all your servers

rpm -qa |grep ntp-4
Make sure your firewall is stopped 

service iptables stop
service ip6tables stop
chkconfig  iptables off
chkconfig ip6tables off

Or add the required rules to allow port 123 between your servers

iptables -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
service iptables save
service iptables restart

Backup your current configuration file in all the servers... (just in case)

cp /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.orig

Basically you have to configure your server pointing to itself so it will be in sync... something like this...

vi /etc/ntp.conf
fudge stratum 10

Notice that to access its own system clock, also called the local clock , NTP uses the pseudo IP address This IP address must not be mixed up with, which is the IP of the localhost or loopback

Here you may want to restrict the IPs that are allowed but since this is assuming you are on a local (controlled) environment with no internet access then is not absolutely necessary

Restart the ntpd server

/etc/init.d/ntpd restart
service ntpd restart

On the client side you configure as follows...

vi /etc/ntp.conf

Where the server IP is the IP of your NTP server 

Restart the ntpd server on the clients too

/etc/init.d/ntpd restart
service ntpd restart

To Verify your network mask you can look at your network script

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Ensure NTP will start at boot in all the servers

chkconfig ntpd on

Synchronize your local time with the server (do it 3 times):

ntpdate -u [your ntp server IP]

Determining if the NTP is synchronized properly

ntpq –p

One of the problems that I found was with the Stratum Value as you can see in the configuration file we set it to 10 you can verify the current value on the ntp server with the following command 

ntpq -c rv

Now... what does that mean... 

NTP increases the stratum for each level in the hierarchy a NTP server pulling time from a "stratum 1" server would advertise itself as "stratum 2" to its clients. A stratum value of "16" is reserved for unsynchronized servers meaning that your internal NTP server thinks not to have a reliable timesource in other words is not synchronizing to a higher-level stratum server 

Most of the time take like 15 minutes to lower the value... if you are at 16 you wont be able to sync the clients... Once dropped try again

If you need to do some debugging there look at the output of ntpq peers for clues for possible reasons

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